Mathematical Miracle of the Quran, Miracle 19 of the Quran, Ultimate Mathematics of the Quran, code 19 of the Quran,, Behruz Mofidi Shirazi, Rashad Khalifa, Ali R Fazely.

Mathematical Miracle of Chapter 1 (The Key)

Behruz Mofidi Shirazi,

In chapter 74 'Hidden Secret' Allah says :


"Over it is nineteen"

Then Allah swears by the moon, and the night, and the morning

Absolutely, by the moon.

And the night as it passes.

And the morning as it shines.

This is one of the great miracles.

The first verse in the Quran represents the foudation upon which a superhuman 19-based mathematical miracle is built. This important statement consists of 19 Arabic letters, and every word in it occurs in the whole Quran in multiples of 19.

Sura Al-Fatihah

Al- Fatihah

1- Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

2- Alhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameena

3- Alrrahmani alrraheemi

4- Maliki yawmi alddeeni

5- Iyyaka naAAbudu wa-iyyaka nastaAAeenu

6- Ihdina alssirata almustaqeema

7- Sirata allatheena anAAamta AAalayhim ghayri almaghdoobi AAalayhim wala alddalleena


The first statement in Chapter 1 "The Key" or "Al- Fatehhah" is "In The Name of Allah, The all Gracious, The all Merciful" (Bisme Allah A'rrahmaan A'rraheem)

consists of 19 Arabic letters. Also the frequencies of occurrence of these four words in the whole Quran is devisable by the number 19.
"'Bisme"' (In the name of)
21 times + 112 times on the top of suras = 133 = 19 x 7 times.
2698 times. 19 X 142.
"Al Rahmaan" (The Gracious)
57 times 19 x 3.
"Al Raheem" (The Merciful)
116 times + 112 times on the top of suras = 228 = 19 X 12.

This fact is supported by an earth-shattering, simple to understand, but impossible to imitate mathematical composition that challenges the greatest mathematicians on earth, and stumps them ; it is far beyond human capabilities:

1- Write the Chapter number and the total number of Verses next to each other ; 1 7

This number (17) is the total number of units in the five daily Contact Prayers. As Allah says in the Quran, all of those who were submitted to Allah, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Joseph, Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, and Rashad used to perform Five daily Contact Prayers. Daily Contact Prayers consists of 2 units at dawn, 4 units when sun declines from its highest point, 4 units for the middle Prayer, 3 units after sunset, and 4 units at night.

..2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 =17.

If you write these numbers next to each other 2 4 4 3 4 , this number is a multiple of 19.

..2 4 4 3 4 : 19 = 1286

Now if you add the digits of this new number, we go back to 17 again which was the total units of five daily Contact prayers! Praise be to Allah, The Almighty!

..1 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 17

The digits of 1286 add up to 17, the total number of units prayed each day (1+2+8+6 = 17). Furthermore, the units of daily Salat prayers followed by the sequence number of the prayer is also a multiple of 19:

2 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 5 = 19 x 112759655

For more mathematical confirmation about five daily Contact Prayers, please click here

2- Chapter 1 "The Key" has 7 verses, if we put Chapter number (1) , followed by the number of Verses, next to each other, we get : 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. This number is a multiple of 19. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : 19 = 591293

3- If we substitute the number of letters per Verse in place of Verse numbers, we get 1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43. This number is also a multiple of 19.

..1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43 : 19 = 6272169010097

Verse No
Number of Letters
Gematrical Value

For Information about Gematrical Value please click here

4- If we insert the total gematrical value of every Verse, we get 1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43 6009. This number is a multiple of 19. From the table of Gematrical Value mentioned above we find the value of each letter and add them up. For example, the total Gematrical Value of Verse 1 would be as follow :

.............(50+) (40+) (8+) (200+)(30+) (1+) (5+) (30+) (30+) (1+) (40+) (60+) (2+)

............................................................ ........786... =... (40+) (10+) (8+) (200+) (30+) (1+)

For the second Verse would be 581, and third 618, and .....

..1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43 6009 : 19 = 630453556901377953901044009530128211

5- The number shown above includes all parameters of Chapter 1, and consists of 38 digits (19 x 2).

6- It is noteworthy that this 38-digit number is still divisible by 19 when we write its components backward, from right to left as practiced by the Arabs. Thus, 6009 43 1072 18 836 19 241 11 618 12 581 17 786 19 1 is also a multiple of 19.

7- Now, let us add the number of each Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to be folloed by the number of letters in that Verse, then the gematrical value of that verse. This is what we get :

..1 1 19 786 2 17 581 3 12 618 4 11 241 5 19 836 6 18 1072 7 43 6009 : 19 = 5893611671480592728480218525455884775128211

Thank Allah for colors !

8- Instead of the gematrical value of every Verse, let us write down the gematrical value of every individual letter in Chapter 1 (like section 4 above). The resulting long number, consists of 274 digits. This number starts with the Chapter number, followed by the number of letters in that Verse, followed by the gematrical value of every letter in that Verse, and so on to the end of Chapter 1. This 274 digit number is also divisible by 19.

Chapter number (1), total number of Verses (7), Verse number (1), number of letters (19), gematrical value of every letter 2 60 40 1 30 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 400 500 10 30 200 8 10 40 ..2.. 17. 1 30 8 40 4 30 30 5 200 2 1 30 70 30 40 10 50 ..3.. 12.. 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 ..4.. 11.. 40 30 20 10 6 40 1 30 4 10 50 ..5.. 19. 1 20 1 20 50 70 2 4 6 1 10 1 20 50 60 400 70 10 50 ...6... 18.. 1 5 4 50 1 1 30 90 200 9 1 30 40 60 400 100 10 40 ...7.. 43.. 90 200 9 1 30 700 10 50 1 50 70 40 400 70 30 10 5 40 1000 10 200 1 30 40 1000 800 6 2 7 30 10 5 40 6 30 1 1 30 800 1 30 10 50 : 19

Dr. Khalifa used to publish a news letter named "Submitters Perspective" at his Moque in Tucson Arizona. In one of the issues he printed this awesome mathematical miracle and he called it "Earth Shattering" mathematical miracle. Two hours after he mailed the news letters to subscribers, the resent famous earth quake of San Francisco occurred ! If you refer to news media at that time, you will notice that most of the numbers refered to this incidents were divisible by number 19.

Mathematical Confirmations on Five Daily Contact Prayers and Friday Prayer

One of the duties of any Submitter to Allah is to perform Prayers five times a day, each on a specific time decreed by Allah. Daily Contact Prayers consists of 2 units at dawn, 4 units when sun declines from its highest point, 4 units for the middle Prayer, 3 units after sunset, and 4 units at night. 2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 17. If you write these numbers next to each other 2 4 4 3 4 , this number is a multiple of 19 as it was shown earlier. On Fridays Submitters perform the Friday Contact Prayer, which is 2 units Prayers. After commemorating Allah in Arabic language (Dhikr ALLAH), then we perform 2 units Prayer just like dawn Prayer (62:9), reciting (Al-Fatihah), bowing down and prostration.

(So called Muzlims they came up with "Khutbah" which there is no indication in the Arabic Quran about it. So instead of commemorating Allah on Fridays (62:9), they tell people about their own ideas and politics or bascially what ever they wish to say, and while Allah says, Stand up for Contact Prayers, they sit down, and they added so many things to Friday Prayer. These are all against Allah's system in the Arabic Quran. This shows that satan is working so hard and he came up with manmade "Hadith" and called it "Khutbah"! Contact Prayers are ONLY for Commemorating Allah, (Dhikr ALLAH). Recently they even translated the manmade "Khutbah" to their own favorite languages, instead of Arabic Language. Therefore, they perform half of their so called "khutbah" in their own language, while they are sitting down, and then the other half in Arabic language, while standing up! But, if you check the world wide web, you would find some old Friday Prayers documents from older scholars or even from Prophet Muhammad, which were performing in Arabic language and it was included ONLY (Dhkir ALLAH) (62:9) and 2 unit Prayers, and it was performing all in Arabic language.)

Friday Prayer is only 2 Rakkat not 4 Rakkat. For more informations please go Here to #31 and also Here. Here are some examples for Dhkir ALLAH:

Now let us look at some mathematical confirmations from Allah The Almighty regarding Friday Prayer:

In Arabic Calendar, Fiday is the last day of the week. Therefore, every day we perform 17 units, except Fridays which would be 15 units. Now if we write these nimbers next to each other, the whole nimber is a multiple of 19.

.. Sat ..Sun.. Mon .Tue . Wed . Thu .. Fri

... 17 ....17.. ...17......17 . ...17 . .. .17 ... .15 ..: 19 = 903774587985

Now we put the number of the Prayers next to the unit numbers, but for Friday we have 15 Units:

...1 17 ..2..17.. 3...17...4..17 . 5..17 . 6. .17 ..7.. .15 : 19 = 6169332495658821985

Now instead of total units 17, let us put the number of units of each daily Prayer, and for Friday we would have 22434:

1 ..24434..2.. 24434...3...24434..4 . 24434..5 . 24434. .6 ..24434247.. 22434 : 19 = 6549169707069707074970238128138128143286

Let us insert the number of the day before the units of prayer in each day. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19:

--Sat -Sun Mon Tue -Wed Thu Fri

1 17 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 17 6 17 7 15 = 19 x ...

Now let us replace every 17 by 24434 which represents the daily Prayers from Saturday through Thursday, and replace 15 by 22434 for Friday Prayer. This number is a long number and it is also a mulitiple of 19:

--- Sat -------Sun -----Mon -----Tue -----Wed -----Thu --------Fri

1 24434 2 24434 3 24434 4 24434 5 24434 6 24434 7 22434 = 19 x ...

Now let us take Friday as the first day of the week, instead of the last day. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19:

-- Fri - Sat -Sun-Mon Tue Wed Thu

1 15 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 17 6 17 7 17 = 19 x ...

Let us take Friday as the first day of the week, and for 17 let us put 24424 and for Friday we put 22434. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19:

- - - Fri - - - - Sat - - - Sun - - - Mon - - - Tue - - - Wed - - -Thu

1 22434 2 24434 3 24434 4 24434 5 24434 6 24434 7 24434 = 19 x ...

The Sun decline from highest point Prayer is always 4 units except on Fridays which is 2 units.

...Sat ..Sun.. Mon .Tue . Wed . Thu . Fri

.. . 4 .. . .4.. . . . 4.... . .4 . . . .4 . .. . .4 ... ...2 ..: 19 = 233918

Five Daily Contact Prayers have to be observed in 5 different times during the day, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

....Units ...Uts ....Uts ....Uts.. . .Uts .

. . . 2 .1 ...4 .2 .. .4. 3....3. 4 ....4 .5 ..: 19 = 112759655

The following number shows us which Chapter of the Quran we have to recite when performing Contact Prayer, how many times we have to repeat that, how many times we have to bow down, how many times we prostrate, how many times we bear witness. Let us first write down the Chapter number 1 (The Key), then the number of Contact Prayer, followed by the number of times we recite Chapter 1, followed by the number of bowing down, followed by the number of prostrations, and bearing witness. For example to observe dawn Prayer we write :

1 number of Chapter one, then we write 1 for the first daily prayer, 2 number of times we recite The Key, 2 for number of times we bow down, 4 for number of times we prostrate during this Prayer, then we write 1 for number of times we bear witness. We do the same for the rest of the Prayers :

..1. 1 2 2 4 1 ... 2 4 4 8 2 ... 3 4 4 8 2 ... 4 3 3 6 2 .. 5 4 4 8 2 .. : 19 = 590743393807622333487078

This tells us precisely what we shall say when we observe the Contact Prayers. What more can we ask for! One may ask why don't we write 1 in front of all of the Prayers, so we can make sure that "The Key" has to be recited for all the Prayers !? Therefore, our number would look like this :

..1. 1 2 2 4 1 .1.. 2 4 4 8 2 .1.. 3 4 4 8 2 .1.. 4 3 3 6 2 .1. 5 4 4 8 2 .. : 19 = 590742764322867481229587078

Allah be Glorified, this number is also divisible by 19. There are no objections to the mathematical miracle of the Quran, becasue Allah already closed all the doors to suspicions about the His miracle.

Again let us write down Chapter number (1), next to it total number of Verses (7), then Verse number (1), next to that number of letters (19), then gematrical value of every letter 2 60 40 1 30 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 ..2.. 17 ..1 30 8 40 4 30 30 5 200 2 1 30 70 30 40 10 50 ..3.. 12.. 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 ..4.. 11.. 40 30 20 10 6 40 1 30 4 10 50 ..5.. 19.. 1 20 1 20 50 70 2 4 6 1 10 1 20 50 60 400 70 10 50 ...6... 18 ..1 5 4 50 1 1 30 90 200 9 1 30 40 60 400 100 10 40 ...7.. 43.. 90 200 9 1 30 700 10 50 1 50 70 40 400 70 30 10 5 40 1000 10 200 1 30 40 1000 800 6 2 7 30 10 5 40 6 30 1 1 30 800 1 30 10 50 : 19

The resulting long number, consists of 274 digits and it is a multiple of 19.

Now let us subsitute [#] for the long number consisting of 274 digits. If you write down the number of the Chapter, followed by its number of Verses, you get 1 7, which is the number of units in five daily prayers. Next to 17, write down the number of the first prayer (1), followed by its number of units, which is 2, then two of [#]'s, followed by the number of the second Prayer (2), followed by the number of units in this second Prayer (4), followed by four [#]'s and so on.... Not only is the resulting long number is a multiple of 19, but also the number of its digits is 4636 is a multiple of 19 or 19 x 244.

..1 7 1 2 [#] [#] 2 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] 3 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] 4 3 [#] [#] [#] 5 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] : 19....... Praise be to Allah.

Now if you write down the number of units of each Prayer, followed by the same number of [#]'s you will get :

..2 [#] [#] 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] 3 [#] [#] [#] 4 [#] [#] [#] [#] : 19

This time our number is a 4629 digits number, which also is divisible by 19.

Chapter 1 (The Key) has 7 Verses, and consists of 139 Arabic letters, and the total gematrical value of them is 786 + 581 + 618 + 241 + 836 + 1072 + 6009 = 10043. let us substitute [@] for this number [ 1 7 139 10043 ]. Now if you write down the number of units of each Prayer, followed by the same number of [@]'s, you will get :

..2 [@] [@] 4 [@] [@] [@] [@] 4 [@] [@] [@] [@] 3 [@] [@] [@] 4 [@] [@] [@] [@]

This long number is also a multiple of 19.

The mathematical representations mentioned above participate in numerous extraordinary mathematical phenomena to confirm all details of the five daily Contact Prayers.

When you recite Chapter 1, The Key, your lips touch each other 19 times! Allah be Glorified. Letters "M" and "B" are the only letters in Arabic alphabet that your lips touch each other when you pronouncing them. In English we have letter "P" which Arabic alphabet dose not have.

Letter "M" repeated 15 times. The gematrical value of "M" is 40. Letter "B" repeated 4 times and its gematrical value is 2.

15 x 40 = 600 and 4 x 2 = 8

608 + 8 = 608 : 19 = 32

This owesome mathematical miracle proves that Chapter 1 "The Key" is the only Chapter that should be recited during Contact Prayers. Chapter 1, "The key" is Allah's gift to us to establish contact with Him through the daily Contact Prayers.

Thus, with this small Chapter, you are handed at the outset tangible proof that this is Allah's message to the world.

What Is A "Grammatical Value"?

When the Quran was revealed, 14 centuries ago, the numbers known today did not exist. A universal system was used where the letters of the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as numerals. The number assigned to each letter is its "Grammatical Value". If you look at the table you will notice that some of the alphabets is just like today's English alphabet. Please study this table from right to left.

Grammatical Value or Abjad Table
Arabic Letter
Letter Name
In English
Arabic Letter
Letter Name
In English

Color Refrences

Number of Verses in Chapter 1, The Key. Number of letters in the 1st Verse of Chapter 1. Number of Letters in 2nd Verse of Chapter 1. Number of letters in 3rd Verse of Chapter 1. Number of letters in 4th Verse of Chapter 1. Number of Letters in 5th Verse of Chapter 1. Number of letters in 6th Verse of Chapter 1. Number of letters in 7th Verse of Chapter 1. Number of Units of Daily Contact Prayers. Gematrical Values. Numbers of five times daily Prayers. Total Number of Units for one day 17. Numbers of reciting The Key, Bow down, Prostration, Bearing Witness. Number of letters in Chapter 1.