Mathematical Miracle of the Quran, Miracle 19 of the Quran, Ultimate Mathematics of the Quran, code 19 of the Quran,, Behruz Mofidi Shirazi, Rashad Khalifa, Ali R Fazely.
Behruz Mofidi Shirazi Please refresh your screen Behruz Mofidi Shirazi (Message of Allah To The Whole World) The Arabic Quran is the only untouched message of Allah Attention to all so called Religions of our time: Indeed The Only Religion At Allah Is "Submission" "Say, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a Right Religion, "The Nation of Ebrahim", Monotheism, "Total Submission to Allah's Rules". "And who will turn away from 'The Nation of Ebrahim' except he who makes a FOOL of himsel? And indeed we have chosen him in this world, and indeed he is going to be with the righteous in the Hereafter" "And he was never of those associating partners(with Allah). Say, my Contact Prayers and my Rituals and my life and my death, all are for Allah alone, the Lord of the universes. There is no partner for Him, and thus I am commanded. And I am the first of Submitters. Say, shall I seek a lord other than Allah, when He is the Lord of all things? No soul benefits except from its own works; none bears the burden of another. Then you will all return to your Lord, and He will inform you regarding all your disputes. It is He who appointed you inheritors of the earth, and He raised some of you above others in rank, in order to test you in accordance with what He has given you. Surely, your Lord is quick in punishment, and He is indeed Forgiver, Merciful." Arabic Quran (6:161-165) Please pay attention: All references to so call Islam in News Media and other forums have nothing to do with the Quran and the religion of "Submission". Quran is for all the people in the world who seek protection for themselves, regardless of their race and nationalities. Quran comes with specific sets of dietary instructions to protect you in this life and teaches you how to get back to our creator in perfect security. The Arabic Quran Only promotes following the religion of Ibrahim, "Submission" The Arabic Quran explains to you in detail what the religion of "Submission" or "The Nation of Ebrahim", or "Religion of Ebrahim", or "Bani Isra-Eil" = "The Sons will be Transported by The All Powerful" For The First Time In History, After 1400 Years, we have The Purified Arabic Quran The Arabic Quran is for all the people in the world who seek protection for themselves, regardless of their race and nationalities. The Abrabic Quran comes with specific sets of dietary instructions in order to protect you in this life and teaches you how to get back to our creator in perfect security.
The Arabiic Quran has a buit-in physical evidence that it is Allah's message to the humanity, it is mathematically composed far beyond human capablity
English Translation of The Quran, The Final Testamant by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
We are receiving a heavy message from Allah The Almighty, Ultimate Mathematics (journal_of_submission)
The book of "Ultimate Mathematics of the Arabic Quran" is now available, please read it at: Here English Translation of The Quran, The Final Testamant by Dr. AliReza Fazely
For complete set of Dr. Khalifa's news letters please go Here and for Dr. Fazely's News letters please go Here
Around 100 A.D. (1900 years ago) the Arabic language came to existence, which was speaking by Nomads who were Arabian tribes living in Arabian desert. This language was driven from Aramaic and then from Nabatian. The Arabic Quran call these people "Ommi-een" as we read in 2:78: And amongst them are the "Ommi-een" who do not know the scripture except what they only wished, and indeed they only guessed." Another words, they would say what ever they wished and guessed, then they say, this is from the book! Just like Australian Aborigines, or Native Americans, who do not have any scripture. Then little by little these Tribes moved to Mecca, the most important community at that time. Around 500 A.D. the Arabic Script came to existence, which was a branch of Nabatian Script. Later the marking of vowels or using diacritics were added to the Arabic script for ease of reading, since Arabic text dose not have any vowels. By using diacritics, some characters of Arabic alphabet have been replaced, and at the same time some characters were added to the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet. Ever since, by the will of Allah, we have been deprived from the correct spelling of some of the words in the Arabic Quran. That is why today we have 50 different Arabic Qurans, each with different spellings, sura number, and Verse numbers. For detail information about Arabic script please click Here and then come back please. And 100 years after that, with the will of Allah, The Almighty, on the 27th blessed night of the blessed month of Ramadan of the year 13 B.H. (610 A.D.), prophet Muhammad's soul was taken up by the Holy Spirit together with the angles as the starts were falling away. They took him from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the Farthest Mosque in the highest horizon, some where about 25 million years from our planet. Then, Allah came down as close to Muhammad as two bows length, as he was looking at Allah, and awesomeness of surroundings, there the Almighty Allah placed the blessed Arabic Quran into Muhammad's heart. Peaceful it was until the advent of the dawn. Later on, over a period of 23 years, through Rooh Jebraiel's mediation, the "Arabic Quran" was being recited to him with special instructions as to which revelation goes where in the Quran, and he wrote it down with his own hand. After departure of Allah's final prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him (27:59), from this world, the scribes who wanted to copy the Quran and take it to different countries; they added 2 false ayaat (verses) at the end of sura (chapter) 9, in order to idolize the prophet. This horrendous crime caused a 50-year war between idol worshippers and Submitters. Finally Umayyad rulers burned the original "Arabic Quran", written by Muhammad's hand in order to avoid any future disputes. Ever since, the whole world was deprived from the original "Arabic Quran". The Arabic Quran is the Final Testament, and Muhammad was the last prophet. Prophets are the ones who bring the scriptures and messenger's job is to confirm the existing scripture and comes with a espicail sign from Allah. According to the Arabic Quran, all the prophets were "prophet messengers". Muhammad was an "Om-mee" himself, from "Ommi-een", [ Nomads, " Who did not know the scripture except what they only wished, and indeed they only guessed.] (7:157-158) as it was mentioned above 2:78. The Arabic Quran consists of about 11,950 words repeated only one time, and the whole book consists of about 114,000 words. The Arabic Quran is very advanced in its literature since the books that were in existence at the time could not compare to the complexity of the Arabic Quran's words or poetry. The Arabic language is the most efficient language in the world, especially when it comes to the precise statement of laws. For example the word "they" in English does not tell you the gender of them, but, in Arabic language there are "they" for males, and "they" for females. Also there are "they" for tow females and "they" for tow males. This feature does not exist in any other language in the world. The word "Ghaa la taa" of 28:23 is a single word, but translates in to four English words: "The two women said." Such is the efficincy of the Arabic language. And less than hundred years after revelation of the Arabic Quran, Arabs started to cuncurring the neighboring countries and took the copies of the Arabic Quran to those countries and later on the Arabic language replaced the original language of those counries (850 A.D.) By reading the the Arabic Quran and realizing the sophistication of the Arabic Quran, many writers and poets began to improve their poor work of writting, and some of them were encouraged to challenge the literary excellence of the Arabic Quran. Actually, Literary Excellence of the Arabic Quran, was the cause of, improvements, in civilization and culture of today's Arab countries, and Middle Eastern countries, specially iranians. For example, the father of Iranian poetry, "Roodakey", came 285 years after the revelation of the Arabic Quran, and all his poems were in Arabic language. Most poets used to memorize the Arabic Quran, In order to learn the formula of writing, poets, and poetry, and literature. One example was very famous Iranian poet, "Howfe.", (meaning, the one who memorized), because, he had the Arabic Quran memorized. However when you read their poems, you would find out that it has nothing to do with the Arabic Quran, but just some "Hallmark, Greeting Cards" wordings. E-raw nian poetries, are, more than any other countries, in the world, filled, with Quranic revelations turned upside down. But, unfortunately they only learned poetry and literature from the Arabic Quran, instead of learning Al lah's guidance and true words of Allah! But, then through the years Iranians followed those poets, and tried to understand what they are saying, and then they fell in love with them, and they completely forgot Allah's message in the Arabic Quran. And now we are all witnessing the result of playing with the words of Allah, and turning away from Allah's book. (The reason I repeat "the Arabic Quran" is because, Allah say, Arabic Quran 12 times in His Arabic Quran). That is why they came up with a religion that has nothing to do with Allah and the Arabic Quran as we are all witnessing in today's so called Islamic societies.
-Nabatian --> Arabic Language ---- dddddd-- -----Arabic Script- --Quran - - - -Middle Eastern & Arab Poets Came to Existence (250 A.H.) a_______ _____ l ____________________ l ______ l ___________ l -- ___l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 B.C. - 0 - - 100 - - 200 - - 300 - - 400 - - 500 - - 600- - -700 - - 800 - -900 - - 1000- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000 A.D. _______________________________________________ l -------------------------------------------------------------Arabs cuncurred the neighboring countries
The word "Quran", means "The book that has to be read", and the teacher of the Arabic Quran is Allah (55:1-2). Not the teacher of English Quran, or Farsi Quran. Unlike any other book, the Arabic Quran can be read an infinite number of times, and a sincere and pure person would get new information each time. Allah uses His attributes to describe the Arabic Quran. The Arabic Quran is a source of guidance, contains Healing and Blessing (17:82), there is Guidance in the Arabic Ghor-on (2:185 and 17:9). The Arabic Quran is Great (15:87). The Arabic Quran is Honorable (56:77). The Arabic Quran is Glorious (50:1). The Arabic Quran is full of Hikmah (36:2).Here are the names of the Arabic Quran: Beautiful names of the Arabic Quran The Only Key To Understand The Arabic Quran Is To Have A "Pure Heart" Allah revealed His scriptures through His prophet messengers, for the benefit of all the people (25:1; 34:28). Therefore, no copyright rules apply when dealing with Allah's scriptures. As human beings, it is our right to print, copy, and use any of Allah's scriptures. This web site does not have any copyright protection; it was built in the cause of Allah. Please copy or down load the Arabic Quran onto your web site or your computer. You would want to print the Arabic Quran for your personal use, so you could study it or translate it for yoursef, therefore on the Day of the Judgment there will be no excuses (4:165). These awesome scientifically mathematical sings purified the Arabic Quran from any distortions, and now after 1400 years, for The First Time In History, the purified Arabic Quran, almost as it was revealed to prophet Muhammad is available in this web site. Another words, Allah is informing us in the most logical way possible, that among all these scriptures, the Arabic Quran is the only untouched message of Allah. The Arabic Quran explains to you in detail what the religion of "Submission" means. Now when the Arabic Quran says that Moses split the sea with his cane, or Jesus revived the dead, we can absolutely believe in it; we no longer have to accept such miracles by faith! We have scientific proof. The difference between this mathematical sign and the older signs, is that the older signs were witnessed by only a few people who lived at that time, but this mathematical sign can be observed by everyone, at all times. And most of all Allah unveals the secret of happiness in this life and the life after here, in the Arabic Quran.
In this website you would find the Arabic Quran in sequential revelaion order to prophet Muhammad, and also in the sequencial order which Holy Spirit instructed Muhammad, for the later generations. One of the reason was, that the mathematical signs of the Arabic Quran to be unveiled in our era. I would suggest reading the Arabic Quran in the order revelations revealed to Prophet Mohammad, so you would know exactly how he went through in the courses of history.
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